Category Archives: Military Clothing

Alpha Industries M-65 Field Jacket

Based in Knoxville, Tennessee, Alpha Industries has been making clothing and military gear for the U.S. Army since the 1940s.  One of the company’s most famous designs is the M-65 field jacket.  The famous jacket’s predecessor was the M-43, whose design was first drafted in 1940 and finalized in 1943.

In 1959, the U.S. Department of Defense requested that Alpha Industries redesign its military field jacket to meet the needs of aerial-based campaigns and rougher terrain.  Alpha met the challenge with a more technologically-engineered design and construction that was more durable, comfortable and reliable.

In 1965, the M-65 was introduced and is still the workhorse for the American Infantry to this day. The company manufactures the exact same garments for military use as it does for surplus goods, with the only difference being one bar (military production) or three bars (civilian production) on the label.  Other than this small detail, all fabrics, specifications and construction are the same.

The M-65 has made its way into popular American culture as the jacket Robert DeNiro’s character wore in the film “Taxi Driver.”

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Filed under Jackets, Military Clothing